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You can specify Jupyter content in your markdown, which allows you to execute computation using MyST’s notebook execution engine.

You can define two types of markdown-based computation:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Code cells with the {code-cell} directive

You can use the code-cell directive to create block-level computational outputs in MyST Markdown.

{code-cell} directives have the following form:

```{code-cell} LANGUAGE
:key: value

  • LANGUAGE defines the language to be used in executing the code.
  • :key: value pairs will be treated as cell-level metadata.
  • CODE TO BE EXECUTED will be executed by the LANGUAGE kernel at build time.

For example, the following directive inserts a code cell into the page, and will be executed if you specify --execute with your MyST build.

```{code-cell} python
hello = "hello"
there = "there"
phrase = f"{hello}, {there}!"
hello = "hello"
there = "there"
phrase = f"{hello}, {there}!"
hello, there!

Add tags to {code-cell} directives

You can add tags to the {code-cell} directive. They will be parsed and used in the same way that cell tag metadata is used in .ipynb files.

For example, the following code defines a remove-input tag:

```{code-cell} python
:tags: remove-input
print("This will show output with no input!")

and results in the following:

This will show output with no input!

This can be particularly helpful for showing the output of a calculation or plot, which is reproducible in the source code, but not shown to the user.

<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>

For multiple tags you have two ways to provide them:

  • If you specify argument options with :, tags will be parsed as a comma-separated string. For example:

    ```{code-cell} python
    :tags: tag1, tag2,tag3
    # Note that whitespace is removed from tags!
  • If you specify argument options with YAML, tags should be given as a YAML list. For example:

    ```{code-cell} python
    - tag1
    - tag2

For more about how to specify directive options, see MyST Syntax Overview.

Inline expressions with the {eval} role

You can use the {eval} role to evaluate code that is surrounded by text. This allows you to quickly insert its output in a way that flows with the text around it.

For example, the following MyST Markdown would re-use the variable defined above.

The phrase is: {eval}`phrase`.

This results in the following:

The phrase is: 'hello, there!'.

You can also modify the expression at the time of computation, for example:

The phrase manually computed is: {eval}`f"{hello}, {there} everybody!"`

This results in the following:

The phrase manually computed is: 'hello, there everybody!'

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