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GitHub Pages[1] allows you to host your project in a folder, which is your repositories name, for example:
To get setup with GitHub Pages, ensure that your repository is hosted in GitHub and you are in the root of the Git repository.

🛠 In the root of your git repository run myst init --gh-pages

The command will ask you questions about which branch to deploy from (e.g. main) and the name of the GitHub Action (e.g. deploy.yml). It will then create a GitHub Action[2] that will run next time you push your code to the main branch you specified.

The command myst init --gh-pages will guide you through deploying to GitHub Pages.

The command myst init --gh-pages will guide you through deploying to GitHub Pages.

Navigate to your repository settings, click on Pages and enable GitHub pages. When choosing the source, use GitHub Actions:

🛠 Turn on GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions as the source.

To trigger action, push your code with the workflow to main.

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